Bem éeee... tem um quê de de pós, mas não tão pós, talvez após (após muitas tentativas né?). Agora repete que eu quero ver! HAHAHAHA! sacaniei... Helena
The Art of Frozen 2
I thought The Art of Frozen 2 would have been lean on character design
since the first movie had already solidified the look of the main
characters an...
Parenting Tips For Preschoolers
Preschoolers are amazing little creatures. They can go, go, go all day,
absorbing huge amounts of information on the fly. Having helped four
children of my...
Filthy Animals
As I watched volunteers cleaning the unfortunate animal victims of the oil
spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I thought, "What a great thing to do... but
why sto...
2 comentários:
Bem éeee... tem um quê de de pós, mas não tão pós, talvez após (após muitas tentativas né?). Agora repete que eu quero ver! HAHAHAHA!
Aêêêê!!! Maneiru, cara!! =D
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